Studying for your exams

Each person has their own way to prepare for examinations, but there are some useful guidelines you can follow to prevent the painful levels of stress during exam time.
Try to read your notes regularly during the semester. Cramming for an exam might give you quick results, but it only creates a heavy amount of stress and will only work if you’re in the right mood. If you’re familiar with your course material before the exam comes, then a quick read through your books will be enough to prepare you for the exam instead of having to sit for hours and decipher your notes.
If you’re facing any difficulties, speak to your lecturers. They’ll be willing to help you out and point you in the right direction, including sharing valuable material such as tutorials and past papers.
Remember, your mental condition is not entirely separate from your physical condition. Eat well and keep yourself healthy, or this will negatively affect your mind-set when you sit down to study. It’s not easy to read through your coursework when you’re hungry or dead tired.
Most of all, you should find the right balance between studying and relaxation that works for you. Weekends and holidays exist for a reason!