Living on a Budget

Living in Sri Lanka is quite affordable and should be easier to manage than in countries like the US or UK. However, living alone as a student will mean that you need to plan out your budget to avoid spending too much.
If you’re staying at a hostel or boarding room, chances are your host will include daily meals as part of your rent. This is more economical, not to mention you might come to enjoy the home-cooked meals. You can still eat outside from time to time, but make sure you’ve allocated money for bills and monthly expenses beforehand.
When shopping for necessities like groceries, always make a list first so you know exactly what you need to get. This will help you avoid impulse purchases and allows you to prioritize on what you need.
There are also many places in Sri Lanka where you can buy the things you need at much cheaper rates. For example, the commercial district of Pettah in Colombo has a series of shops that sell items at wholesale prices.