Home»Courses»BSc (Hons) Business and Management

BSc (Hons) Business and Management

Qualification    :   G.C.E (A/L)/ International Foundation Diploma*

Course Details :   

Degree Year 1

Course Objectives

• Develop knowledge and understanding of the concepts and principles of business management

• Learn to evaluate different approaches to business problem solving

• Develop business communication skills for employability

• Provide a formal qualification in business management with advanced standing – progression towards the 2nd year of Bachelors Degree in Business

Degree Year 2

Course Objectives

• Develop knowledge and understanding of advanced concepts and principles of business management

• Provide a formal qualification in business management with advanced standing –progression towards the final year of Bachelors Degree in Business

Degree Final Year

BSc (Hons) Business and Management programme (final year) is an innovative undergraduate degree programme which builds upon your prior study as a progression towards the degree. The programme is delivered over 12 months commencing with induction in Sri Lanka by university lecturers to introduce the students to the learning resources, tutors, modules and assessments. Students will then complete five modules and professional project supported by tutors from the university and locally.

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Business Management School