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Business Administration DBA

Course Details :   


Both the Doctor of Business Administration and Ph.D. have as a general aim of provision of an academically rigorous education designed to develop skills, expertise, knowledge and vision to enable students, whatever their chosen route, to be critical, analytical and creative. The program aims to provide opportunity for self-development in relation to career enhancement and as life-long learners.

The program offers students the opportunity to develop their own capabilities, skills and competencies within a supported environment. The philosophy of the program can be summarized by the following objectives.

Develop a critical approach to the use of contemporary sources as a means of exploring complex concepts, ideas and issues of relevance and value to the chosen area of study.

Develop the power of critical enquiry, logical thought, creative imagination and independent judgment.

Provide a forum of study that allows each student to build on his or her past academic and vocational experience in a relevant and meaningful fashion.

Expose the student to a range of prospective, which may be applicable to both the interests and work situations as appropriate.

Recognize the variety of sources of learning and an appropriate diversity of means for assessing achievement.

This program intends to allow the individual student to develop their potential through a carefully selected curriculum of study, which includes elements of a variety of methods of study orientated around both the academic and vocational axis.

Duration Venue Request free info
Completion within Three to Five Years with Maximum Seven Years. AIMS College Send an email

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