Home»Courses»Diploma in Diplomacy and World Affairs

Diploma in Diplomacy and World Affairs

Qualification    :   3 passes for A/L

Course Details :   

The Diploma in Diplomacy and World Affairs is a one year Course designed for undergraduate, post graduate and professionally qualified executive grade officers of the public and private sectors. Limited placements are also offered to those following courses in International Relations and those aspiring to join the Sri Lanka Foreign Service. Those who have successfully completed the Certificate Course in Diplomacy and Global Affairs, will also qualify to follow the Diploma programme.

The Diploma is awarded to students who successfully passed the 4 written examinations conducted at the end of each Module and the assignments. Participants who have a Bachelor’s degree or equivalent qualification, have the option of completing a researched dissertation within a period of 3 months of completing the Course, which will qualify them to obtain the postgraduate Diploma which has won recognition by Universities in Sri Lanka and overseas. Each Diploma Certificate is personally signed by the Hon. Prime Minister of Sri Lanka who is the patron of the Institute and the Hon. Minister of External Affairs in his capacity as Chairman of the Board of Management.

Study mode Duration Start date Venue Request free info
Full Time 1 Year December BIDTI Send an email

