Home»Courses»Introduction to Robotic Applications Certificate

Introduction to Robotic Applications Certificate

Course Details :   


To give good understanding of simple robot designing, programming and components used in robot development. Workshop consists of equal proportionate of lecture and practical sessions.



Introduction to mobile robotics and components used in robotic applications.

Introduction to mobile robotics, sensors, motors and actuators, electronics, microcontrollers, robot programming.

Microchip PIC microcontroller programming, programming languages, hardware interfacing (DC motor control, RC servo control), sensor interfacing (ultrasonic and bumper switches), basic control theory.

Demonstrations/ Practical:

Assembling a robotic kit, wiring, sensor interfacing and trouble shooting, hands on sessions.

Programming a mobile robot to do a real world task (here previously assembled robot will program to navigate in a cluttered environment while avoiding obstacles), hands on programming and controlling.

Target Group

University students, School students and general public who are interest in robotics.

Study mode Duration Fee
Venue Request free info
Part Time 6 days. (Friday, Saturday, Sunday) 9:00 to 16:00. (LKR)18,000/= per participant Send an email